Hijrah (Emigration) to Madinah |A Part of Life of Prophet Muhammed (SM)

Today I will tell here something about the life of Prophet Muhammed SM (PUBH). Because we need to know that what our holy prophet did in his total life dedication to Islam.
The conclusion of the second covenant of al- aqabah was another turing point in the history of the Islamic movement. The Muslims now had a place in which to take shelter. They had an ally for support in time of war and danger.

The unbelievers eventually came to know about the covenant after it was completed. It had been done in secrecy so that the infidels could not have an opportunity to foil it. When they found out, they reacted in anger and resorted to torturing some of the people from Madinah.

The prophet mohammed now changed the strategy of his work. For thirteen years he had tried his best to preach the message of Allah to the people of Makkah but the Makkan soild was not fertile for this. Madinah provided him with fresh, receptive in which to sow the seed of Islam and he planned to use this opportunity.

Then the prophet muhammed (SM) commanded the Muslims of Makkah to start emigrations to Madinah and strengthen the bond with the Muslims there. The Muslims of Madinah are known as the Ansar (Helpers) and those of Makkah as the Muhajjirun (emigrants) in Islamic history.

Following the command of Prophet Mohammed the Makkan Muslims started moving to Madinah individually and in small group. The unbelievers tried relentlessly to stop this and became even more malicious and ferocious.

Think of the emigration! The Makkan Muslims left their homes for the sake of Allah and to seek His pleasure! At the moment of need, this was what was required of them. As Muslims, we too must be ready to do the same for the sake of our faith. Life on this earth will have meaning and purpose only when we can attain this attitude. We will then be able to do our duty as Allah’s true slaves.

In later I will discuss more about the Hizrah & our beloved prophet mohammed SM (PUBH).

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